Monthly Archives: October 2010

Why is my skin drier in the winter????

It’s not so much the cold weather that is to blame for your skin feeling dry and tight in the winter. It is more to do with the increased use of central heating and car radiators turned up to the max. These suck out moisture from your skin. Just leave out a bowl of water and see how quickly it evaporates. We also tend to drink less water and eat less fruit and salads in the winter, we replace with hot caffeinated drinks and heavier meals. These will reduce the natural hydration your body needs to function and your skin will be the last in line for this precious H20.  To help keep your skin hydrated don’t forget your skin care expert, they will advise you or extra products you can add to your routine to give your skin that extra help and protection. Don’t forget to keep exfoliating as well, when your skin is dry it will look dull, a exfoliation will improve this and also allow your other products to penetrate deeper, but be careful not to overdo it, dry skin can also be more sensitive.

Inflammation is the cause of all skin complaints:

From acne to sensitivity, if your skin is inflamed it won’t function properly. An inflamed skin is an unbalanced skin. Inflammation can be caused by lots of trigger factors:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor diet
  • Dehydration
  • Incorrect products
  • Over stimulation
  • Sun damage
  • Pollution
  • Hormones

Keep your skin clean, protected and hydrated and your are on the right path. But make sure you always check the ingredients before buying a product. So many cheap cosmetics bulk up their products with irritating ingredients that can cause all sorts of skin problems that can take a while to correct.

Avoid: mineral oil, talc, dyes, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, petroleum, (are a few of the common triggers).

Speak to a skin care consultant if you feel you are suffering with redness, breakouts, sensitivity, heat, dry or cracked skin.

For more information call us on 07849 279588 or visit

Exposed Myths about your skin

  1. Cucumbers on the eyes. Although they may feel refreshing unfortunately they do not contain any special ingredients to penetrate the skin and reduce puffiness. The high water content may decrease slight swelling but there are other more effective ingredients on the market that will also repair and strengthen the delicate tissue.
  2. Foaming cleansers work better. Sodium lauryl sulphate is the foaming agent found in the majority of foaming cleansers and although this gives the impression of working more effectively it can actually cause harm. This ingredient is also found in a lot of detergents and floor cleaners. This is probably more common in your cheaper high street brands but always check the ingredient list on the bottle.
  3. Sun cream in summer. The suns UV rays are present all year round with an amazing 30% still penetrating through the clouds on a really over cast day. UV rays are responsible for skin aging, pigmentation and cancer. With most creams and makeup now containing a SPF (sun protection factor) there really is no excuse for not protecting your skin.
  4. Strip oily skin of its oil. All skin needs moisture, and natural oils are the most important. If you strip the skin of its oil it will react by working harder to produce more. Controlling the production is the key. Find its trigger, stress, diet, pollution, hormones and other irritants will increase this production. Then find a good health skin care programme to control the oil rather than prevent it.

For more information contact us on 07849 279588 or visit

skin fitness

Drink more water, it’s something that has been repeated over and over again, but to really achieve hydrated skin it has to come from within. No amount of topical products will benefit the skin as much as water. Ideally 8 glasses a day, more if you drink caffeinated or alcoholic drinks, as these dehydrate your system.

Keep clean; it’s like a starter before the main course. A good cleanser prepares the skin for the next stage (exfoliation, hydration) making it more effective. A good cleanse doesn’t strip the skin of natural oils but removes any barrier so the next product can really get to work.

Don’t dry out, your skin absorbs things easier when wet so apply your hydration while the skin is still damp to get the most from the ingredients.

Skin-amins, Vitamins will do wonders for your skin, your skin is an organ and needs these to function properly. A balanced diet is the best source with lots of fruits and vegetables; if you struggle with this a good multivitamin will nourish the skin from within.

Sun smart, protect your skin all year round, with UV exposure increasing you run the risk of age spots, dry dehydrated skin, loss of firmness and premature aging. Prevention is a more effective anti-aging products then any cream on the market.

Don’t skimp, although some skin care ranges appear pricey, maintenance is defiantly cheaper than trying to reverse damage. A good skin care range will invest lots of time and money into researching the best ingredient combination for your skin. Finding the right one for you is always the hardest, speak to someone that deals with skin on a regular basis and don’t be afraid to ask for a sample. Facials are always a good way to get to trial lots of products and speak to someone who knows what they are talking about.

For more information on how to look after your skin visit skin hertfordshire