Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares another usage of botox.
Better known as the miracle aid to fight wrinkles that come with age, Botox is now used to treat incontinence – a condition in which one loses bladder control, leading to involuntary urination – that affects both women and men.
Doctors are recommending botox to treat their patients say that the success rate till now has been 100 percent.
In women, it often happens after childbirth, when apart from going through mental and physical stress, there is a loss of support of the urethra, leading to small amount of urine leakage while coughing, sneezing and lifting. At times it’s also age related and can affect any individual.
“Increased urinary frequency, urgency and urge incontinence are a part of an overactive bladder that can happen to any normal individual. A person suffering from a neurological disease like spinal cord injury, spinal cord deformity, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, cerebral atrophy and ageing may also suffer from these conditions,” Sanjay Pandey of the Urology-Andrology department of Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital.
How Botulinum Toxin Type A, or Botox, works in such cases is as a purified protein, which, once injected into the detrusor muscle, blocks the overactive nerve impulses that trigger excessive muscle contraction in the bladder.
It is pertinent to mention here that the effect of Botox in such cases lasts up to 10 months. And while one may question the temporary relief, doctors list its advantages over other line of treatments.
Lasting up to nine-ten months, the bladder’s over-activity is vastly decreased (by Botox) and thus returns to the reorganized activity of the concerted bladder contractions in response to stimuli of bladder filling at more appropriate times of complete bladder fullness. It is very helpful in cases where oral and conventional therapy have failed as first line of medical management.
Usually when a patient comes with such a complaint, doctors first suggest lifestyle changes, weight reduction (in obese patients), quitting alcohol and coffee, reduction of fluid consumption, bladder training and pelvic floor exercises, before delving into other forms of medical therapies, or Botox.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also approved the use of Botox to treat overactive bladders in adults last year.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.