Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog talks about how to get your existing botox patients to keep on returning for more botox treatments. This was taken from a recent article Harry did in a dental publication.
Now, let’s look at how we keep our patients returning for treatment.
1. 2 week review – all our patients have to book a review appointment. The reason for this is twofold, firstly you want to take your after pictures to build up your gallery and also the more contact you have with your patients, and the more they will trust, stay with and recommend you.
2. price freeze – to encourage all our toxin patients to book their next appointment in advance, we have produced a voucher that entitles them to have the treatment done a t the same time, if they book at the review appointment. So we will book their next appointment in 4 months time and the voucher is valid for 6 months, so giving them a 2 month window.
3. loyalty scheme – if its good enough for starbucks, then its good enough for us. We have a mini card with 6 circles. Every time they spend £50 at one time, they get a sticker. Once the card if full with 6 stickers, this entitles them to £0 off any facial/dental services. So the beauty of this, some patients will take up some dental services since they are getting £10 off.
4. facial plans – similar to Denplan, why not let your patients budget for their facial aesthetic services throughout the year. CODE, do some excellent personalised ones.
Can you see now how critical it is to have systems in place to encourage referrals and retain your existing patients, and how much money you would leave on the table if you did not follow these systems.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.