Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on men and botox.
Men and Anti-Wrinkle Injections
We all know more and more men are looking after themselves, going to the gym, juicing and eating healthier foods. In the 1990’s men were starting to use moisturiser, in the noughties it was a small amount of guyliner, and today the most popular cosmetic treatment in the world for men is Botox or Brotox.
What types of men are getting Botox treatment?
Many of the men that are getting Botox treatment come from all walks of life, different backgrounds, religion, ages and career. Many are builders, doctors, bankers, entrepreneurs and those jobs in-between. At the moment there is no specific trend in terms of who is having the Botox injections.
How is Botox treatments different for men?
Men and women’s faces are very different, the biggest difference being that men have a less rounded face and men’s cheeks are not as full. Men’s eyebrows are lower and more flat. To avoid feminizing male features please find a reputable, professional and experienced doctor within this field.
In the United Kingdom the most popular cosmetic treatment today is Botox or Brotox, it had an estimated 50,000 treatments performed on men last year.
Why are men opting for Botox Injections?
There are a number of reasons why men are turning to Botox treatments. Many men are in sales or marketing roles and want to look their best when meeting clients, sourcing deal and want to be in par with their younger work force. Others have mentioned that the increase in divorce rate has meant men want to look refresher, healthier and hold onto that youthful look.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111