Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on botox for the lower face.
Botox is most commonly used in the upper third of the face, notable the forehead, frown and eyes.
However it can be used where any dynamic lines are present due to over acton of the muscles. Therefore we can use botox in the lower third of the face.
We need to be more careful in the lower face with botox injections. Botox spreads and in the upper third of the face where the muscles are generally large, this is fine. However in the lower face we have many more smaller muscles that are inter connected. Botox spreading into an adjacent muscle by incorrect placement can cause problems for the botox patient.
Common areas in the lower third of the face that can be treated with botox are: chin, neck, corners of the mouth, smokers lines, nose to mouth lines, mouth to chin lines, gummy smile.
With these botox procedures, low under dosing is recommend to avoid unwanted side effects. The patient is reviewed after two weeks and any necessary botox top ups are administrated.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.