Botox advertising

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what is allowed and not allowed when advertising botox.

Due to mis advertising and over promising claims the regulators have clamped down on how botox practitioners may inform the public of their services.

Not allowed

The following term cannot be used when advertising botox treatments.

Renowned – you cannot say you are renowned in the field of facial aesthetics

Specialist – since there is no specialist list for botox services, you cannot call yourself a specialist

Hugely experienced in botox is not allowed

Cannot say that lines and wrinkles will be permanently eliminated by botox injections

Wrinkle reduction is frowned upon, however is preferred than the above Unqualified claims, such as “wrinkle reduction”, are unlikely to be acceptable.

Avoid any brand names in domain name of your website

Facial Rejuvenation Clinic

Botox Treatments: Botox is a prescription-only medicine (POM), which should be injected by a suitably qualified health professional and which cannot be advertised to the public

Cannot use word botox on homepage of your website but can on other pages of your website



The follwoing are suggested alternatives to promote your botox services.

Temporary reducing appearance of fine lines & wrinkles

Younger looking skin

Smoother looking skin

Cosmetic fillers” or “injected fillers”, however, you may not name Botox directly or describe the treatment in any way that would imply Botox

Can’t advertise Prescription Only Medicine’s…so that includes botox Botox on other pages of website (apart from homepage) – but this may change

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

botox – the decision process

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on the deeper reasons why people will seek botox treatments.

Let’s dig deeper with the reasons why someone may consider botox injections. I have an acronym called “TEAR” in terms of what decisions we make or not make. It stands for: T – Thoughts E – Emotions A – Actions R – Results

Whatever we are thinking, these thoughts gives us certain emotions, whether these are positive or negative. Those emotions will lead into actions and the actions we take give us results.

For example, let’s say you see someone with flawless skin and not a wrinkle in site. We are seeing the results of them making a decision to undertake botox treatments.. But let’s use the TEAR example. The initial thought would be that this potential person was unhappy with their lines and wrinkles. Either they were unhappy with the appearance of their skin or they were motivated to get better skin via botox treatments. So the thinking of their lines and wrinkles, unhappiness with this produced some emotions saying either it was a pain emotion in terms of they’re really unhappy with what they look like at the moment and wanted to change that, or it was a pleasure emotion – if I undertake botox treatments, then this is what I could look like.

So those emotions resulted in actions. Actions were they looked at all the possible solutions to their lines and wrinkles, and one of them would have been botox. By taking appropriate actions, they achieved a result. If they took no action, they’ll have no result or the result wouldn’t be what they wanted.

Now we know it all starts from our thoughts. How do you arrive at these thoughts? Our thoughts are the same as our beliefs and they come from our self-concept. Our self-concept can be divided into three parts.

self-esteem. Do you like yourself? Do you have self-confidence with certain skills?

self-image. What do we see about ourselves in the mirror? Is it good?

self ideals. Who are our role models? Are they successful people, unsuccessful people? So your results can never exceed your self-concept. This is critical. We know where our self-concept comes from and we need to improve that because no matter how passionate, how much time we’ve spent working, if your self-concept is poor, you won’t see the results you want.

Since with the TEAR process, your self-concept dictates your thoughts and this gives you the results you have currently. Once you understand this process, you can work on it and improve your results. For example, if an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. But if it’s broken by inside force, life begins. Therefore, great things always begin from the inside.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox essentials

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about the equipment needed to undertake botox.

Beauty couch: I prefer this to a dental/medical chair as the botox patient feels more relaxed and comfortable.

Good-quality camera: Personally, I use the Canon 5D that has a macro lens or you are looking for a ring flash. This is critical for good before and after the botox treatment pictures

Large wall mirror at patient’s head height: You will be amazed at what patients want corrected when they see themselves in front of a mirror.

Happy staff: Smiling, content members of the staff project a bright image for your business and encourage customers to return.

We’re going to the materials section and this is in eight parts:

Gloves: Make sure you put on latex and latex-free, and beware of the symptoms of allergies and double check with your botox patients.

Hair band: To give you unrestricted view of the areas you are treating – my assistant puts this on once I am preparing the botox injections.

Disinfectant: Non-alcohol based, so you don’t get drying with of the skin and no interaction with the botox injection – this will remove any make up in the areas to be injected and reduce the chances of inflammation.

Gauzes: For use with a disinfectant.

Non-tattooing pencil: Available from company reps, I prefer white because it’s easily identifiable on marked areas I would inject with botox whilst the patient is carrying our certain facial expressions. I will also take a photo of this for our records.

Post kit: This can be obtained for free from the company reps. You will want to include a concealer and arnica cream. Add some extra value to your services compared to someone else offering face aesthetics.

Saline, 0.9% sodium chloride Syringes: One to draw up the saline and one for injecting the botox.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

botox regulation

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on botox regulation.

Even though botox is not officially regulated , there are certain professional requirements and regulations that your practitioner needs to adhere to. The first question you maybe asking is who can carry out botox treatments.

Only medically qualified professionals are permitted to carry out botox treatments. These include, dentists, doctors and medical nurses.

Next you may ask what training do they need to undertake. They will need to go on an accredited workshop, there will be separate ones for botox and dermal fillers. The workshops will consist of a mixture of theory and practical experience. Once they have successfully completed the workshop, they will be indemnified by a suitable insurance provider. Their normal dental/medical cover wont cover them for botox treatments.

They will need to have an agreement with a licensed waste carrier to provide them with clinical bags and a sharps container to dispose of clinical waste and needles in a correct manner. The botox practitioner will also need to have a medical emergencies kit in their treating room, so they can deal with any potential complications arising from the botox injections.

As with all dental and medical procedures the botox practitioner needs to offer and perform only botox treatments that are safe, ethical and that would have the patients best interest at heart. They must also be suitably experienced to undertake any botox procedure. This leads to that the botox practitioner must keep up to date with current techniques.

When you are contemplating any botox treatments don’t be afraid to ask and see whether the above criteria have been met by the person undertaking the botox injections.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox – when to consider it

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about botox and when to start having the treatment.

Since carrying out botox treatments since 2002 I have noticed that the age of the patients requesting this treatment is getting lower and lower. I often get asked by my botox patients when they should start having the treatment or whats the youngest age for treatment.

For starters, I would not treat anyone under the age of 18. The muscles at 18 have fully developed and therefore the results are more predictable. As to what age you should consider botox injections, there is no hard and fast rule here. I see some patients in their early twenties where botox would make a marked difference to the appearance of their fine lines and wrinkles.

On the other hand I see some patients in their mid thirties who do not need botox as it would not make any difference. Botox works on dynamic lines, these are lines that appear when you carry out any facial expression. Therefore when a new patients presents and requests botox treatments, I will get them to carry out some facial expressions, such as smiling, frowning and raising their eyebrows.

Whilst they are carrying out these facial expressions, I am looking for either new lines appearing or existing lines that were present at rest, getting worse. If new lines do not appear or existing lines do not worsen, then botox is not the treatment for that particular patient.

Regarding dermal fillers. The most commonest areas for dermal fillers is in the mid face or lower face areas. The dermal fillers will plump up the skin and restore loss volume. Normally this is for the older patient where over the years a loss of volume has occurred. But I repeat myself, these are only guidelines and we need to look at each patient on an individual case to see whether they would benefit from either botox or dermal fillers.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox and the future

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on botox and the future.

Botox has been growing as a treatment of choice for non surgical intervention for the last decade. This is due to the low down time involved in the botox treatment, the affordability of botox injections and the ease of treatment.

Will this trend in botox continue?

I think it will. I have a number of my botox patients that would never consider surgery due to the costs, risks and downtime. They will, if suitable, seek out botox treatments.

There is still a bit of a taboo about botox in the UK. I feel, as the botox becomes more popular, it will become more accepted and patients will open up and admit to having the botox procedure. It could even become as popular as going to get your hair done and part of the female grooming process.

There will still be a small element of botox patients that will still keep it to themselves and allow others to see them as growing old gracefully.

For now, the botox group is growing and with this you will need to seek qualified and experienced practitioners as others jump on the band wagon.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox downtime

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on the downtime associated with your botox treatments.

Non surgical treatments such as botox have increased in popularity over the last several years due to the low downtime associated with the procedure. However there are still some risks associated with the botox injections that patients need to be aware of.

Of course, these are very small compared to surgical procedures, but nevertheless you need to be aware of them.

Immediately after the botox injection, there will be slight swelling where the needle has been placed. It’s where the fluid has built up. It is similar to a bee sting. This will last a maximum of 20 minutes. This needs to be planned for, so sometimes you can’t immediately go back to work or pick up the kids until this swelling has disappeared.

There is also a risk of bruising from the botox treatments. This is uncommon but can still occur. This is why we would not recommended any botox procedures before a big event such as a wedding or birthday.

There are also certain precautions you need to be aware of immediately after the botox procedure. You need to drink plenty of water for the next 24 hours post botox treatment and no exercise for the first 24 hours. Same again this needs to be planned in advance before you embark on the botox treatment.

In summary, there is very little downtime for botox compared to other procedures, but planning is still required post botox.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox referrals

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about how to get more referrals.

Talking to many practitioners that carry out botox treatments one of their biggest concerns is that their botox patients like to keep them a secret and not tell their family and friends and therefore less likely to get referrals from that particular patient.

To some extent this is true. However there are certain methods you can use to increase the chances of your existing botox patients referring new botox patients to you.

Firstly, tell all you botox patients that you accept referrals. It is surprising how many practitioners expect their botox patients to know this. Your patients may think you are too busy to accept new botox enquiries.

Next, have a referral reward programme. Why not reward any botox patient that refers a new botox patient to you. These rewards could be as a simple as a thank you card or letter to some flowers, etc.

Keep the existing botox patient informed of how it went with the new botox patient patient they have referred. You want to keep them in the loop and reinforce the trust they have placed on you by referring a new patient to you.

Most importantly by offering excellent customer service to all your botox patients will create an environment where referrals will be generated for your botox treatments.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox – it’s advantages

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on why you should consider botox treatments.

The botox treatment is relatively painless. We don’t need to go to deep into the skin and this combined with using fine needles makes the botox procedure relatively comfortable.

Botox can be performed quickly. The usual length of a botox treatment is no longer than 30 minutes. The actual botox procedure takes less than 5 minutes to be completed.

There is very little downtime afterward (no bed rest needed) following the botox procedure. Most patients come in their lunch break and return to work after the botox injections.

You can usually resume normal activities within one or two days at the maximum.

Common side effects can include, but are not limited to, redness, swelling and bruising and the side effects often resolve within a week
 Botox is a series of affordable treatments spread out over time.

You can budget for the costs.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.

Botox concerns

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about botox and the main concerns patients have when seeking this treatment.

By far the most commonest concern with botox treatments is not to have an unnatural look. This is understandable as botox patients want to improve their appearance and not make it worse. In addition as most botox patients don’t tell anyone else about the treatment, they don’t want to give the game away. I combat this by baby stepping the botox dose I give and by offering a 3 month guarantee on all botox treatments. This gives the patient peace of mind that they can have a free botox top up within 3 months and therefore we can slightly under dose with the botox initially.

The next concern for botox patients is will t be painful. This is not unexpected since we are using needles to inject the botox. First, the needles we use are diabetic syringes, these are very small and fine needles. Second, we don’t inject very deep into the skin and third, the botox treatment is very quick and over in a few seconds. Patients say they feel a slight scratch but no huge amount of pain.

The last concern is complications with the botox treatment. There will be some redness and swelling immediately after the botox injections, but this disappears after around 20 minutes. The other complication from the botox treatment is bruising. This is more common around the eye area. You can reduce this with ice applied to the area and the use of Arnica cream. As you can see there are risks with any treatment and botox is no exception, but with careful planning most of these can either be eliminated or reduced.

For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.