Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what wrinkles and lines botox can treat.
Many patients are unsure what areas of the face and which lines or wrinkles botox can treat.
Generally botox can be used for any lines that are caused by you using that particular muscles. It cannot be used for deep wrinkles or folds that have not been caused by the muscles working.
Now that we know which type of lines and wrinkles are suitable for botox treatment, lets talk at different areas of the face that could benefit from botox.
Normally botox is used for the upper third of the face, this is true in 90% of the cases I treat, but it can be used for other muscles in your face.
The commonest areas botox is used are:
- frown – the muscle between your eyebrows, when this muscle contracts you get the vertical lines, also known as hammer lines or number 11’s
- Forehead – when you contract your forehead muscles you get the horizontal lines across your forehead
- Eyes – when you smile you get the lines at the side of the eyes, also know as crows feet. Please bear in mind that we don’t use botox directly under the eyes.
These are the commonest 3 areas that botox is used to treat, however we can still use botox for other smaller muscles in the lower face area, such as:
- smokers lines, these are small vertical lines either in the upper or lower lip region
- Corners of the mouth – you can use botox to lift the corners of the mouth to reduce or eliminate a ‘sad face’
- Chin – also known as the ‘orange peel effect’
- Jaw line – you can tighten the angle of the jaw
- Massetter muscles – your chewing muscles can be treated to reduced the squareness of your face
- Neck – we can use botox to reduce the lines across your neck
So now you know what areas of the face can be treated with botox.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.