A common area to administer botox is the central crease in your chin, also known as ‘orange peel”. These lines are as a result of excessive contraction of the chin muscles. This is easily reduced or eliminated by injection botox into the muscle.
The full effect of the procedure will be seen after 2 weeks and you may require some extra botox to achieve the result you desire. we would always advise to under treat initially and it is much easier to top up later than be stuck with a frozen look for several months. You would expect the result to last around 3-6 months.
So a comfortable procedure that takes only a few minutes can eliminate the orange peel effect which may have been there for a number of years – a truly aging reversal procedure.
Dr Harry Singh has been carrying out botox hertfordshire since 2002 and works from aesthetics in Stevenage. You can call him on 01438 300111 to book a FREE consultation to see whether botox can help you regain your youth, boost your confidence or improve your skin complexion.