Tag Archives: botox hertfordshire

Botox referrals

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his ideas on how he gets referrals for new botox patients from his existing botox patients.


1.  free post kit – these can easily be obtained from the manufacturers. It cost us nothing and is given to every patient after any procedure they have. They love getting stuff for free and you can also cross sell your skin range at the same time.

2.  free mineral makeup session after treatment – similar to above, these patients are concerned with their appearance, so why not do a mini makeover with your mineral make up. They are not expecting this and you never know, they may want to purchase some of your mineral make up range.

3. free neck and shoulder massage – Jenna, my assistant, is a qualified beautician. So whilst I am preparing the toxin/filler, she will give the patient a free 2 minute massage.

4.  3 month guarantee – on all our botox patients we offer a 3month guarantee from the day of their treatment in that if they feel they need  atop up or it has worn off within 3 months, it will be free of charge. You will get a tiny minority that may abuse the system, but this is counter balanced by the patients that appreciate this safety net and tell their friends about this.

5.  mates rates – we normally charge £250 for 3 areas of botox. We will reduce this to £200 per person, if they bring 2 friends with them to have it done at the same time. You will be amazed on who our patients will try to encourage to come so they can save £50. If they take this offer then the above referral incentive is not applicable.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.



botox – what you need to know before treatment

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what you need to tell the practitioner before you embark on a course of botox.


You should not receive botox if you are


  • allergic to botulinum toxin, normally this means if you are allergic to eggs, as the same protein found in eggs also occurs in botox
  • an infection in the area where the medicine will be injected



A detailed medical history will be taken prior to your botox treatment and special precautions should be applied to the following:


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or “Lou Gehrig’s disease”);

myasthenia gravis;

Lambert-Eaton syndrome;

a breathing disorder such as asthma or emphysema;

problems with swallowing;

facial muscle weakness (droopy eyelids, weak forehead, trouble raising your eyebrows);

a change in the normal appearance of your face;

bleeding problems;

heart disease;

if you have had or will have surgery (especially on your face);

if you have ever received other botox injections (especially in the last 4 months); or

if you have ever had a side effect after receiving a botulinum toxin in the past.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.




botox conferneces

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares what he continues to go to facial aesthetic conferences.


There are a number of reasons I choose to go to courses:


  1. Network – you see colleagues and discuss latest treatments and techniques with regards to botox injections. You can learn a lot from your fellow professionals and discuss cases with them
  2. The content you learn on the day will always improve the treatment you offer your botox patients. Even if you just pick one tip from the whole day, it will still be worth it, in my eyes.
  3. You get a chance to speak to the botox reps and see what latest products they have available. You also pick up what other clinicians are using or doing.
  4. It raises your game. You become who you hang around with. And I want to hang around the best in the botox business, so I can reach a higher level to what I am at the moment.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.




botox and its enemies

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what we can do to prolong the effects of our botox treatments.


By having botox injections we are either aiming to reduce or eliminate our fine lines or slow down the ageing process. Whatever your reason for having botox treatment, there are certain things you can avoid to help you maximise the effects of the botox treatment.


Alcohol – this is know to dry (dehydrate) the skin. In addition in excessive amounts alcohol could cause tiny red veins appear on your skin.


Smoking – this reduces the blood circulation and thus can stop collagen production. This can result in more fine lines and wrinkles, exactly the opposite effect you want when undertaking botox procedures.


Sleep – we need adequate sleep to allow the body and skin to rejuvenate and recover.


Diet – your skin complexion is directly affected by what you eat. You want to avoid an acidic diet (fast foods, nutrient poor food) and have a green based/alkaline diet.


Stress – when we get stresses, we release a hormone called adrenaline. This hormone reduces blood flow, which can lead to slower cell turnover, resulting in an aged face.


Sun – the best to last. This is the number one reason for premature ageing and I see this in the patients that request botox treatments from me. You must have adequate sun protection or the results of botox will be wasted.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.



Botox Types

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares a extract from the CODE association regarding different types of botox and how to mix them.


Botulinum toxin type A

Botulinum toxin type A is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum which reversibly paralyses muscle to smooth and soften the wrinkles caused by dynamic or hyperfunctional muscle activity. It acts by blocking the release of acetylcholine at nerve endings thus inhibiting muscle contraction. By selective injection, the lines caused by muscle activity such as crow’s feet or frown lines can be reduced; in most cases these lines soften and become less visible within a week to 10 days. Botulinum toxin type A is generally known as ‘Botox’ but the UK formulation that has recently received a licence for cosmetic use in the glabellar region is registered as Vistabel.


Dysport (Ipsen Ltd) is another commonly used formulation of botulinum toxin type A.



Vistabel is only licensed for the treatment of glabellar lines, which are the frown lines between the eyes. Use on any other areas of the face, e.g. crow’s feet, is still ‘off-licence’. You will need to make this clear to your patients if you intend to use it in areas that are outside the licensed indication.


Botox and Dysport can also be used in these unregistered indication areas, so long as you inform the patients (this should form part of the consultation process).


Approval of Vistabel for glabellar lines, however, does mean that you can assure patients about the proven safety profile of the product and substantiate claims with scientific data from properly conducted clinical studies. Vistabel is available in 50 unit vials, licensed for single patient use only, the vials have a purple label, a red lid and the Allergan hologram on the label.



A Botox vial contains 100 units of toxin and is usually used for more than one patient. In the UK, all uses of Botox for wrinkle treatments are off-licence.



A Dysport vial contains 500 units of toxin but the dose administered is 3-5 times higher than the dose of Botox or Vistabel for each area of skin treated. The treatment of wrinkles with Dysport is also an off-licence use. The CODE AFA Board currently recommends that Dsyport is used 3:1 compared with Botox and Vistabel units. E.g. if you need to use 4 units of Botox, you would use 12 units of Dysport, see the next section for further information.



We recommend that inexperienced users should reconstitute both Botox and Dysport with the same volume of preserved saline – 2.5 ml. The volume of product used in each area of the face will then be similar. (Note that Vistabel would require 1.25 ml.) For example one way of treating the glabellar region is:


5 injection sites – 1 in Procerus, 2 in each Corrugator


Total dose is 20 units of Botox or Vistabel, 4 units per injection site (0.5ml)


Total dose is 60 units of Dysport, 12 units Dysport per injection site (0.3ml)


With experience you may use different doses and dilutions to achieve optimal effects. The use of botulinum toxin is an art as well as a science, each practitioner develops their own techniques.




For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.




botox – a long term option

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about why when you have a botox treatment you have to look at the long term game.


Many patients ask me whether when they have their first botox injections, can they stop at anytime. I say, yes, you are not addicted to it and if you stop, you go back to where you were before. Then, I give them a word of warning and say because the effects of botox are so good, it is unusual that anyone would want to stop having botox treatments over a period of time. It is normally die to the affordability of the botox treatment that may prevent them having the botox as regularly as they wish and not because they are unhappy with the results.


When anyone embarks on a course of botox I will say we are looking at a 6 month treatment time. In this, I mean:


  • The first visit will consist of the botox consultation
  • They can either have the botox treatment at this first visit or go home and think about it
  • We will then have a 2 week botox review to look at the results and administer any botox top ups if required
  • We will follow up with a phone call after a month or so, just to check that everything is fine
  • We will then follow up again after 3 months and 6 months to see whether they need a top up of botox or not


During this period,, there are a number of things you can do to enhance and prolong the botox effects, these include such things as:


  • No exercise within 24 hours of your botox treatment
  • Avoid sun beds
  • Always wear sun protection
  • Either sleep on your back or have ‘softening’ pillows


Botox should never be seen as a standalone treatment for eliminating or softening unwanted lines or wrinkles. Botox is the miracle cure in terms of the results are relatively instant, but its how you look after your skin that will determine the long term benefits.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


Botox – another use

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares another usage of botox.


Better known as the miracle aid to fight wrinkles that come with age, Botox is now used to treat incontinence – a condition in which one loses bladder control, leading to involuntary urination – that affects both women and men.


Doctors are recommending botox to treat their patients say that the success rate till now has been 100 percent.


In women, it often happens after childbirth, when apart from going through mental and physical stress, there is a loss of support of the urethra, leading to small amount of urine leakage while coughing, sneezing and lifting. At times it’s also age related and can affect any individual.


“Increased urinary frequency, urgency and urge incontinence are a part of an overactive bladder that can happen to any normal individual. A person suffering from a neurological disease like spinal cord injury, spinal cord deformity, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, cerebral atrophy and ageing may also suffer from these conditions,” Sanjay Pandey of the Urology-Andrology department of Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital.


How Botulinum Toxin Type A, or Botox, works in such cases is as a purified protein, which, once injected into the detrusor muscle, blocks the overactive nerve impulses that trigger excessive muscle contraction in the bladder.

It is pertinent to mention here that the effect of Botox in such cases lasts up to 10 months. And while one may question the temporary relief, doctors list its advantages over other line of treatments.


Lasting up to nine-ten months, the bladder’s over-activity is vastly decreased (by Botox) and thus returns to the reorganized activity of the concerted bladder contractions in response to stimuli of bladder filling at more appropriate times of complete bladder fullness. It is very helpful in cases where oral and conventional therapy have failed as first line of medical management.


Usually when a patient comes with such a complaint, doctors first suggest lifestyle changes, weight reduction (in obese patients), quitting alcohol and coffee, reduction of fluid consumption, bladder training and pelvic floor exercises, before delving into other forms of medical therapies, or Botox.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also approved the use of Botox to treat overactive bladders in adults last year.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.




post treatment advice – botox and dermal fillers

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what to expect after having a dermal filler treatment.


Most of my patients initially start of with botox treatments and then decide they want dermal fillers too.


There are differences between botox and dermal fillers, the main one being with dermal fillers you can see the results instantly, whilst with botox injections it can take up to 2 weeks.


Once you have had the dermal filler treatment, we will same as botox, give you a post procedure advice sheet.


Following your treatment it is important not to touch the treated area or apply makeup for at least 6 hours. This is to reduce the risk of injection site infection. Please bear in mind that immediately after treatment some common anticipated injection related reactions can occur. These reactions are temporary and typically resolve within 7-14 days. However in order to allow the skin to recover more efficiently the following advice may be proven useful:


Redness or Swelling


A clean, light make-up can be applied to cover any redness after the initial 6 hour recovery period.

Do not expose the treated area to intense heat (sunbathing, sun beds, saunas, steam rooms etc) or to extreme cold 1 week following treatment. A clean cool pack can be applied directly to the treated area on the day of treatment to help with any bruising.




If you are using Aspirin or similar medication be aware that the likelihood of bruising may increase. It has been reported that Arnica* cream and/or tablets help to minimise bruising. Arnica cream can be applied directly to bruising and may help the bruise to resolve more quickly. Make-up can be applied to cover bruising following the initial 6 hour post treatment period.


Discomfort or Itching


Following treatment the area can feel tender from the injection. Non-prescription analgesia* can be taken. Following treatment the area may feel slightly itchy for 7-14 days. Non prescription anti-histamines* may reduce itching.


Lip Treatment


Due to sensitivity of the lip swelling following treatment can sometimes last for up to 7-14 days and during this time the lips may appear to be slightly uneven. The result directly following treatment should not be seen as the final result. A clean cool pack can be applied directly to the area to soothe the lips and help to reduce swelling.


If you have a history of cold sores, which you should advise Dr Singh, there is a risk due to the insertion of a needle into the skin where the virus is present, but dormant that the virus may be activated. This may cause a first outbreak of a cold sore or another eruption from a previous one.


Whether your having dermal fillers or botox injections, you must be careful immediately after the treatment and follow our guidelines.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.




Hertfordshire botox testimonials

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares some of his botox testimonials.


Niki Harrison

I am not easily impressed, I have been a repeat client of Harry for over 2 years and would not hesitate to recommend him for botox. He has a an absolute understanding of the need to build trust and to understand what is important to me as a client. I have absolute trust in him and the advice and treatments I have received have been faultless. I have had repeated compliments on my complexion and on how well i look since receiving treatment so I think that speaks volumes in itself. Thanks Harry!



Vanessa Parbhu

I have visited Aesthetics on numerous occasions for a range of botox treatments and each time have found Harry and his entire team of staff to be professional, welcoming and friendly. Treatments have been explained clearly and fully and I have always received an excellent standard of care. The clinic itself is slick, modern and a real pleasure to visit. The journey all the way from East London is well worth it! I have no hesitation in recommending Aesthetics to my family and friends as it excels in all aspects.

melanie sutton Professional Service all round and great patient satisfaction



Jill Nemani

I would recommend. Harry Singh. For botox treatments , he did a good job in administering the appropriate amount for the designated area and. A good adjustment follow up in the following two weeks, that is an important factor when choosing your aesthetic practitioner follow up and re adjustment after 2 weeks not everyone offers this inclusive package.




I have been going to Aesthetics for the last 2 years for botox injections. I am very happy with the results, and would recommend Harry Singh, and his highly trained team. I am always made very welcome, and find it a Very relaxing and enjoyable experience.







For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox and beauty salons

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog writes about a letter he sends to beauty salons to help promote botox to their client base.





We are both in the “Feel Good Look Good” industry & we can help give your client’s extra value & make you stand out from your competitors


My name is Dr Harry Singh & I have been a Botox Practitioner for more than 13 years and a qualified dentist since 1996. I run a Medical/Facial Aesthetics clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.


I am looking to partner up with highly reputable & prestigious local salons such as yourself.


How can we help each other


We strongly believe that our clients share the same dreams and aspirations as your clients when it comes to taking pride and care of themselves in how they look and feel


We would like to partner up with your business to exchange each others services/promotions to ensure both our clients get only the best in tbotox reatments to make them enhance their natural opulence & serene beauty


Benefits to you & your business being associated with a botox practitioner


It is a way to create extra credibility for your salon & will encourage more new clients to your salon and makes you stand out from your competitors

It will give your business extra value by offering your clients extra treatments, in addition to your normal services

You have the peace of mind, knowing your clients are being treated by a qualified Botox practitioner

We have found in the past that aesthetics range of Non Surgical Anti Wrinkle Treatments (botox) can increase a salons uptake of new clients & increase the sales their own salon range of anti-aging skincare products




For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.