Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about whether you can guarantee your results with botox.
With any medical procedure, due to the fact we are working with the human body, it is impossible to guarantee any procedure. However saying that we can with experience and looking back at our own results be very confident of hat results we can achieve by using botox.
It is very rare – in my 10 years experience of administering botox, I have only had 2 cases – that someone may not react to the botox treatment. So you can be reassured that botox will achieve the results you wish for.
We also guarantee all our botox treatments for 3 months. So after the initial treatment, if you feel you need some more or the lines have reappeared, you can come back as many times as you want within a 3 month period and obtain free top ups.
There are certain patients that we will not treat with botox, such as pregnant or breast feeding women, patients allergic to eggs or patients with certain neuro muscular problems. It is not that botox wont work in these patients, it is that they may have potential side effects that we would wish to avoid.
In summary, if you are not contra indicated to have botox then you can almost guarantee that botox will work for you and you will also have the reassurance that we guarantee the results for 3 months.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.