Tag Archives: botox stevenage

botox – FACE conference 2013

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, talks about his latest talk at the FACE conference 2013.


Dr Singh had the privilege and honour of being invited to the FACE conference in London last week to talk about referral marketing.


We all want referrals for our existing facial aesthetics business and I outlined how this can be achieved. We know from my business that over 80% of all our new patients come from referrals from existing patients.


At the core of this is the patient care service we offer. Without offering exceptional service to our botox patients in hertfordshire they would not have the confidence to refer us to their family, friends and work colleagues who may also be interested in botox.


I recall a phrase I once heard –


  • if you deliver what the patient expects they will come back to you
  • If you under deliver what the patient expects – they will go somewhere else
  • If you over deliver what the patient expects, they will come back yo you and refer others to you


You could have the best system int eh world to get referrals but unless patient care is at the core of it, the best system will be wasted.


The talk was only 20minutes, and over half the time I talked about what we do to make the patient feel special during their botox treatment. It was a packed room and we received great feedback at the end.


Botox procedures are a very personal service and since you are treating an area of the body that is on show all the time, you need to get it perfect and give the patient the confidence they were after. If you treat the patient with care and respect then there should be no reason why they would not be happy to recommend your botox services to their family, friends or work colleagues.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox – how is it administered

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog explains how botox is administered.



Botox comes in a powder form. This powder needs to be mixed with saline to make it active and easier to inject.


Then correct doses are drawn up using diabetic syringes and then administered under the skin with this fine needle.


This procedure is very comfortable as the needles are very fine and sharp. Most patients are unaware that the injections have been completed.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox – patient testimonials

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog shares some of his testimonials from his happy botox patients in Hertfordshire.


Niki Harrison

I am not easily impressed, I have been a repeat client of Harry for over 2 years and would not hesitate to recommend him. He has a an absolute understanding of the need to build trust and to understand what is important to me as a client. I have absolute trust in him and the advice and treatments I have received have been faultless. I have had repeated compliments on my complexion and on how well i look since receiving treatment so I think that speaks volumes in itself. Thanks Harry!



Vanessa Parbhu

I have visited Aesthetics on numerous occasions for a range of facial aesthetic treatments and each time have found Harry and his entire team of staff to be professional, welcoming and friendly. Treatments have been explained clearly and fully and I have always received an excellent standard of care. The clinic itself is slick, modern and a real pleasure to visit. The journey all the way from East London is well worth it! I have no hesitation in recommending Aesthetics to my family and friends as it excels in all aspects.

melanie sutton Professional Service all round and great patient satisfaction



Jill Nemani

I would recommend. Harry Singh. For anti wrinkle treatments , he did a good job in administering the appropriate amount for the designated area and. A good adjustment follow up in the following two weeks, that is an important factor when choosing your aesthetic practitioner follow up and re adjustment after 2 weeks not everyone offers this inclusive package.




I have been going to Aesthetics for the last 2 years for facial treatments. Iam very happy with the results, and would recommend Harry Singh, and his highly trained team. I am always made very welcome, and find it a Very relaxing and enjoyable experience.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox – thank you referral letter

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog shows the referral letter he sends to patients after they have kindly referred us a botox patient.


Dear Laura


We would like to thank you for your kind referral and having confidence in our services. We will take good care of those that you have referred.


As a further thank you please find enclosed £20 Facial vouchers.


Don’t forget that you will be entered into our monthly prize draw for every referral you make that month, so the more you refer the higher the chance of you winning a prize.


We also have our 3 friends for 3 areas of anti wrinkle injections (forehead, frown, eyes) at £200 instead of £235, applies when 3 friends come in together and all 3 have 3 areas



Because we are a new business, we grow primarily through word of mouth, so would really appreciate any further recommendations.




Yours sincerely








For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


Botox – post treatment care

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog shares with us what information he gives his patients after their initial botox treatment in Hertfordshire.



Post Treatment Instructions

  1. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol to prevent headaches


  1. Refrain from touching the treated area for 3-4 hours


  1. Remain upright for 3-4 hours


  1. Do not exercise on day of treatment


  1. Avoid sun beds for 7 days


  1. No facials/chemical skin peels or laser resurfacing treatment for 7 days


  1. The use of tight head gear (crash helmets) should be avoided on the day treatment has taken place


How to prolong the life of your treatment…

The following information will help reduce the triggers that can cause premature ageing.


  1. Always wear a sun protection factor, the sun breaks down the supportive structure of the skin, it causes pigmentation and fine lines. Use a minimum factor 15 (SPF) daily even in the winter and cloudy days. The UV rays will still affect the skin.
  2. Protect against free radical damage. Free radicals attack your collagen and elastin fibres that make up the structure of the skin. They around us everyday a daily dose of vitamins and antioxidant supplement will minimise this damage.
  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking, these all dehydrate the skin and increase the free radical attacks.
  4. Try to relax as much as possible, stress will break down the treatment quicker as your muscles will be tense and fighting against the Botox. Take time to treat your self.

Ask us about ways we can help you maintain the best regime for your skin health. We offer Sun protection products, nutritional supplements and relaxation treatments.


For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox – retaining patients

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog talks about how to get your existing botox patients to keep on returning for more botox treatments. This was taken from a  recent article Harry did in a dental publication.


Now, let’s look at how we keep our patients returning for treatment.

1. 2 week review – all our patients have to book a review appointment. The reason for this is twofold, firstly you want to take your after pictures to build up your gallery and also the more contact you have with your patients, and the more they will trust, stay with and recommend you.

2. price freeze – to encourage all our toxin patients to book their next appointment in advance, we have produced a voucher that entitles them to have the treatment done a t the same time, if they book at the review appointment. So we will book their next appointment in 4 months time and the voucher is valid for 6 months, so giving them a 2 month window.

3. loyalty scheme – if its good enough for starbucks, then its good enough for us. We have a mini card with 6 circles. Every time they spend £50 at one time, they get a sticker. Once the card if full with 6 stickers, this entitles them to £0 off any facial/dental services. So the beauty of this, some patients will take up some dental services since they are getting £10 off.

4. facial plans – similar to Denplan, why not let your patients budget for their facial aesthetic services throughout the year. CODE, do some excellent personalised ones.


Can you see now how critical it is to have systems in place to encourage referrals and retain your existing patients, and how much money you would leave on the table if you did not follow these systems.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


botox – getting referrals

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog talks about how to get your existing botox patients to refer other botox patients. This was taken from a  recent article Harry did in a dental publication.


Once we have attracted new patients for facial aesthetics we want to maximise our return of investment, therefore we want to ensure our patients refer their family and friends and also they themselves become regular clients.

By growing your facial aesthetics business via referrals and retention is the cheapest and quickest way to increase your patient numbers.

I used to think that facial aesthetic patients would not tell their family and friends about their treatments, so early on in my career, I did not bother asking them for referrals. Then Smita – my hygienist and business manager challenged my limiting belief and devised a set of systems to encourage our patients to refer their family and friends and i was amazed at the response and growth in facial aesthetic patients.

There is a simple rule of 3 I live by that will encourage referral s from your existing patients

1. if you deliver what the patient expects they will return as a regular patient

2. if you deliver less that what the patient expects, they will go somewhere else

3. if you deliver more than what the patient expects they will return and tell their family and friends about your services.

Let’s start of referrals. How do we get our existing patients to tell their family and friends when most of the women we treat don’t even tell their husbands/partners that they are undergoing facial aesthetic services.

As mentioned above, we have to exceed the patient’s expectations, and we do this in a number of ways:

1.  free post kit – these can easily be obtained from the manufacturers. It cost us nothing and is given to every patient after any procedure they have. They love getting stuff for free and you can also cross sell your skin range at the same time.

2.  free mineral makeup session after treatment – similar to above, these patients are concerned with their appearance, so why not do a mini makeover with your mineral make up. They are not expecting this and you never know, they may want to purchase some of your mineral make up range.

3. free neck and shoulder massage – Jenna, my assistant, is a qualified beautician. So whilst I am preparing the toxin /filler, she will give the patient a free 2 minute massage.

4.  3 month guarantee – on all our toxin patients we offer a 3month guarantee from the day of their treatment in that if they feel they need  atop up or it has worn off within 3 months, it will be free of charge. You will get a tiny minority that may abuse the system, but this is counter balanced by the patients that appreciate this safety net and tell their friends about this.

5.  £30 facial aesthetics voucher – to encourage referrals, we point out to our patients, that anyone they refer, to make sure they mention who referred them, they will receive a £30 facial aesthetics vouchers to use off their next treatment. This has an added bonus of making sure your patients come back, as they will not want to waste the £30 voucher.

6.  mates rates – we normally charge £250 for 3 areas of toxin. We will reduce this to £200 per person, if they bring 2 friends with them to have it done at the same time. You will be amazed on who our patients will try to encourage to come so they can save £50. If they take this offer then the above referral incentive is not applicable.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


Botox – how to tell the public what I do

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire explains in his latest blog how he tells new people he meets what he does.






















For more information on botox hertfordshire, call us on 01438 300111.


Botox – what happens if I stop having the treatment

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire talks about a common question asked by his patients. What will happen if I stop having the botox and will I become addicted.


If you decide to stop the treatment then your muscles and lines will go back to what they would have been at that time in your life.


Your wrinkles will not get worse if you stop using botox. If you think of botox as ‘freezing time’ you will have an idea of what to expect if you stopped it.


You cannot physiologically be addicted to botox. However since the results are so good, we do have many patients that cant live without it!


You can stop anytime and you can restart anytime with botox. The decision is completely yours. There are no long term contracts or maintenance plans we get you to sign. It is entirely up to you.


For more information about botox hertfordshire in Stevenage, call us on 01438 300111.