Tag Archives: botox stevenage

Botox – testimonial

Here is an excellent testimonial regarding Dr Singh and his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, from one of his highly esteemed peers.

I met the author in 2008 when he won an Award for ‘Best Marketing’ initiative at the Private Practice Awards in 200X. At that stage I had a more active interest in Facial Aesthetics and botox so a conversation with him was fruitful and fun. My own training in Facial Aesthetics and botox very cleared showed that although it could appear that dentistry was intruding into medicine, these techniques are definitely more effectively delivered by dentists in their practices. It’s not meant to be contentious but it is evident when you observe many doctors showing:


– their ill ease at simply holding a syringe

-exhibiting the syringe to the patient as they approached to inject around the eye , where we know how to keep it out of sight until delivery

– show their unfamiliarity with calculating dosages to enable correct dilution

-drawing up Lignocaine from a vial into a syringe prior to numbing the face for injecting fillers


It materialises that our colleague has substantial experience in the commercial world the key amongst them being property. This experience has given him a fresh approach to the delivery of our professional services, especially in the field of marketing. Serving him well in creating a very successful dental practice with a strong element of facial aesthetics has encouraged the author to take to the stage and begin sharing his vision and strategies with the audience. However, as a profession we tend to be in the ‘cash rich and time poor’ category, so finding the time to travel and spend a day at a meeting to learn more is not everyone’s’ wont. Accordingly, accessing that information in this book not only suits that type of dentist but it also serves as a very useful reference book too.


There is absolutely no point embarking along new ways of delivering dentistry unless you can be successful at it. However, as a developing market it is inevitable that some mistakes are made along the journey to success. The author honestly shares the mistakes he made to help prevent the reader from emulating him and to direct time and money into successful and proven marketing strategies. The hope is that when they augment superb delivery of this sought after service it will ensure the investment in Facial Aesthetics and botox pays off. The best part of this book is that that the author does not pretend to be a specialist imparting his special skills to others. One can clearly pick up that this is an experienced practitioner that has learned his art lucratively and is now seeking to share that empathetically with a collegiate style.



Dr Amarjit Gill BDS MFGDP



For more information, please visit botox hertfordshire or call us on 01438 300111.

Botox – what happens during my visit

We pride ourselves on our consultation to offer the best experience for our patients whether it be for botox, dermal fillers, or skin in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

One of the first things we do, will be for you to fill in a medical and skin questionnaire – see below. This allows us to treat you safely and make sure we address any concerns you may have.

Botox in hertfordshire is a very safe procedure, however there are certain medical conditions or allergies or medication you maybe on, that we need to be aware of, so we can advise you correctly.

























How did you hear about us?_____________________________________________________

Please sign and date to agree that the above information is correct.


Patient Signature: Date:

Doctor Signature: Date:


For more information regarding botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.


Botox in Stevenage, Hertfordshire – anti ageing process

Many patients visit my clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire for botox to slow down the ageing process. If we all learnt a bit more on how the ageing process works, then we would be better educated on how to minimise the effects of ageing.


As time passes our skin succumbs to a perfectly natural ageing process. The effects of  pollution, stress, fatigue and toxins leave their mark and the skin loses its suppleness and elasticity. Nothing reflects our age more than the state of our skin.

The key to growing old gracefully is through good living and awareness of your environment. Even though botox can help reduce the signs of ageing, prevention is always better than cure. While many of the changes that come with skin can’t be avoided, some can definitely be minimized. First, it helps to have a basic understanding what happens to the skin as it goes through the aging process.


Intrinsic Aging 

The skin ages in two key ways: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic aging is genetically predetermined—you can’t avoid it. Eventually, skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic. This happens because we produce less collagen over time. This drop in collagen production also causes skin to sag and is unable to bounce back with weight loss or gain.


The reason skin gets dryer and thinner over time is because the dermis (deep layers of the skin) loses its ability to hold or attract water.   On top of this, age causes a marked decrease in the sweat glands and the oil producing sebaceous glands. Oils, water and sweat are the elements of moist, plump skin.


Although the extent of these changes varies from person to person, skin ageing usually first becomes apparent in our 30s. This is the most commonest age we have for our botox patients and this is an ideal time to think about botox.





Extrinsic Aging 

Extrinsic aging is directly related to exposure to toxins and environmental elements. As you know, the sun is one of the biggest culprits behind extrinsic aging. It basically intensifies the intrinsic aging process, causing us to look older that our true age. Sun-related aging, called “photo aging” causes fine lines, wrinkles, age spots (due to pigment changes), enlarged pores, broken capillaries and rough, uneven skin tone and texture. I would say most of our botox patients wished they had either stayed out of the sun or used sun protection a lot more.


Our lifestyle is another factor in extrinsic aging.   For example, cigarette smoking not only speeds up the breakdown of collagen and elastin, it causes the formation of skin-killing free radicals (A chemically active atom). Further, it makes it harder for the skin to repair itself. Poor eating habits will also have an effect. A colorful, well-balanced diet is rich in the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories vital for a healthy complexion.


Botox is a wonderful treatment choice to help us with anti ageing and for more information visit botox hertfordshire or call us on 01438 300111.

botox – post treatment

Following your treatment for botox in hertfordshire, we give out the following advice to maximise the results from the botox.


Post Treatment Instructions

  1. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol to prevent headaches


  1. Refrain from touching the treated area for 3-4 hours


  1. Remain upright for 3-4 hours


  1. Do not exercise on day of treatment


  1. Avoid sun beds for 7 days


  1. No facials/chemical skin peels or laser resurfacing treatment for 7 days


  1. The use of tight head gear (crash helmets) should be avoided on the day treatment has taken place


How to prolong the life of your treatment…

The following information will help reduce the triggers that can cause premature ageing.


  1. Always wear a sun protection factor, the sun breaks down the supportive structure of the skin, it causes pigmentation and fine lines. Use a minimum factor 15 (SPF) daily even in the winter and cloudy days. The UV rays will still affect the skin.
  2. Protect against free radical damage. Free radicals attack your collagen and elastin fibres that make up the structure of the skin. They around us everyday a daily dose of vitamins and antioxidant supplement will minimise this damage.
  3. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking, these all dehydrate the skin and increase the free radical attacks.
  4. Try to relax as much as possible, stress will break down the treatment quicker as your muscles will be tense and fighting against the Botox. Take time to treat your self.

Ask us about ways we can help you maintain the best regime for your skin health. We offer Sun protection products, nutritional supplements and relaxation treatments.

Dr Singh runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hetfordshire and you can call him on 01438 300111.


Botox cannot treat pigmentation

Many of our patients are concerned with the appearance of their skin, notably dark or pigmented areas on an uneven skin tome. Sometimes they ask whether botox can treat this. Botox will smooth out any lines caused by the muscles contracting but wont improve the skin pigmenttion. The way I explain it to my patients is that botox is like a frame of a painting and the skin is like the canvas. The two go hand in hand and the best results are achieved when you treat booth the lines and the skin.

An uneven skin tone, or hyper pigmentation, is the result of an over production of melanin. Melanin is what gives skin and hair its colour, helps protect skin against damaging UV light and absorbs heat from the sun. However, an overproduction of melanin stimulated by excessive sun exposure, hormones, or scarring, leads to a mottled, uneven skin tone.  For example:

1) Sun exposure: When skin is repeatedly exposed to UV light, sun damage occurs. Brown spots appear as a result of too much melanin being produced to help protect skin from UV light. This can happen even on cloudy days where there will still be some uv light present.

2) Hormones: Melasma is hormone-related hyper pigmentation caused by increased hormone stimulation.
3) Post-Inflammatory Hyper pigmentation: This is a darkening of skin that’s the result of scarring, which can be caused by acne lesions or skin injury.

The daily use of sun protection is critical.

Even the strictest of brightening regimens can be counteracted by minimal exposure to UV light. When a hyper pigmented area is exposed to UV light, more melanin production is triggered on a cellular level, causing further darkening. Ironically, this production of melanin is just your skin trying to protect itself from damaging UV light.

Daily application of SPF will help shield skin from UV light to control melanin production on a cellular level.  It can even help lessen the appearance of hyper pigmentation triggered by hormone fluctuations (such as melasma) or post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation (scarring).

The most common pattern of melasma is centrofacial: on the chin, upper lip, cheeks, nose, and forehead.  But it can also show up to a lesser extent on the cheeks, nose, and jaw line.

Ask us at botox hertfordshire for more information on 01438 300111.

Botox Hertfordshire team testimonial after initial treatment

I first saw Harry for botox treatment in Hertfordshire approximately 1 year ago, and have never looked back since

Although the idea of smoothing out and eliminating my frown lines was appealing to me, I was also quite nervous to have this treatment, mainly due to my needle phobia, even though I knew I would be in safe hands with Harry and had total trust in him.

Harry encouraged me to try the treatment, explained the benefits and reassured me about the whole procedure

Also I knew if I had not experienced the treatment myself, it would be hard for me to reassure patients who visit our practice and give them real confidence and support about the procedures we offer at aesthetics.

The real benefit of me having experienced the treatment myself, is that I could show patients the results on my own face via my before and after photographs, as well as the real life version and more than anything share my personal individual experience with them.

Naturally it is always an impressive endorsement for patients and encouraging for them, when they know staff have had treatments done themselves, as well as great marketing for my practice aesthetics.

Finally after 6 months of hesitation but mainly fear, I decided to go for it, so on my day off, I phoned Harry & asked if he could see me that afternoon. One of the reasons I chose to have the treatment on a day off, was so I could hide my anxiety at home, it is embarrassing when you work at a practice, & yet feel so nervous.

I came in quieter than normal, Harry even commented jokingly “he would threaten me with Botox treatments more often if it keeps me so quiet,” to which I instantly laughed.

Anyway he continued with his treatment and I can honestly say the whole treatment was over so fast and I was totally surprised at how quick and painless the procedure was. Afterwards I was embarrassed I got myself so worked up about this treatment and why I had put off having it for so long.

Approximately 10 days later my frown lines completely disappeared, I was astonished that such a quick, simple procedure could give me such a fresh youthful look.

I now am completely relaxed about the procedure and have actually been a model for Harry at his demo nights at various open events & demonstration evenings.

At these demonstrations Harry actually jokes and tell the patients that I am really 60 years old, but it is the botox that gives me the look of a 30 year old!


Call botox hertfordshire on 01438 300111 to see how we can help you solve your skin concerns.

Botox – updating my skills

Dr Harry Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, recently went to London for a facial aesthetics seminar. At this seminar he learnt about anti wrinkle treatments (commonly known as botox), dermal fillers and skin health restoration.

Harry believes in regularly updating his knowledge and skills so his patients receive the best and most up to date treatments from him to help them achieve their goals and solve their skin concerns.

Harry has been carrying out botox since 2002 and in the past 5 years alone has treated over 1000 cases. However he does not rest on his laurels and understands that we can all continue to learn and update our skills.

In an average year he probably undertakes at least 100 hours of continual professional development so he can be at the forefront of facial aesthetics.

He will attend various seminars, conferences, workshops, hands on training, read journals and books and listen to webinars. He also undertakes training for other dentists interested in facial aesthetics. He believes that by training and teaching other medical professionals, he will improve his own understanding of the subject.

If you would like to book a FREE consultation with harry, please call botox hertfordshire on 01438 300111.

Botox in Hertfordshire

As well as having my own premises in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, where I operate(no pun intended) 2 days a week. I also travel around to various salons to be their resident ‘wrinkle buster’.


I enjoy the mix of a dedicated fixed premises and then going out and meeting patients. I go to quite a range of salons from 1 woman bands to a team of 50 plus. It allows me to get an insight to what my female patients are thinking, concerned with and what problems they want solving with regards to their cosmetic/beauty requirements.


I also tend to find the salon patients as more relaxed and open since they are in a familiar environment to them.


Its not all rosy working in salons since they normally ask me to be a Guinea pig on numerous male treatments they are thinking of introducing. Now, I don’t mind the odd massage or two, but waxing is definitely a no go area for me.


Botox is so widely used now that I tend to find most salons offer this service in their menu of treatments.

For further information on how botox hertfordshire can help you or if your salon owner reading this in Hertfordshire and want to introduce botox, please call me on 01438 300111. But please keep the wax strips away from me.

Botox – which lines and wrinkles can it solve

Many of us have lines or wrinkles on our face don’t we? Lines or wrinkles give the impression to others that we are getting older, yet more and more people are now finding that Botox is able to help reduce them of these lines and wrinkles.

As you read this, notice how many areas this simple technique is able to help with.

  1. Frown
  2. Crows feet (around the eyes)
  3. Eye Brow Lift
  4. Eye opening
  5. Bunny Lines (around the nose)
  6. Smokers lines (around the upper lip)
  7. Lift the corners of your mouth
  8. Gummy smile
  9. Nose to mouth lines
  10. Chin softening
  11. Jowels (around corner of the jaw)
  12. Neck
  13. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating from under the arms)


Call botox hertfordshire now on 01438 300111 for a FREE consultation. We have many different procedures we are experts on to help you achieve your goals, whether this is to boost your confidence, roll back the years or improve the complexion of your skin, we are here to help you .