Tag Archives: botox stevenage

What areas can botox treat?

As you can see from the image below, we can treat a wide range of areas and problems with botox.


At your consultation appointment you should be given time to discuss your concerns and which areas you would like to be treated. The practitioner then would discuss suitable options with you, their pros and cons and what is best suited to gain the result you desire.


When using botox in hertfordshire, Dr Singh varies the dose and concentration depending on which areas you would like treated. As a genertal rule the top third of the face you have many large muscules, so it would be advantageous to allow the botox to spread.


In the lower face area, the muscles are much samller and interconnected. Therefore you would not want the botox to spread and effect neghbouring muscles from the ones you are targetting.


Call Dr Singh on 01438 300111 to see if botox hertfordshire is suitable for you.


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Botox hertfordshire used to treat smokers lines

Many of our patients present with vertical lines above their upper lip. These are commonly referred to as smokers lines, however they can occur in non smokers too.


There are a couple of ways we can treat these lines.


One is to administer botox in this area. We are very careful to start off with very small doses. As excessive doses can effect your speech and whistling. We gradually increase the dose as long as it can be tolerated until the lines have been reduced sufficiently or they have been eliminated.


A second approach is the same as above, to use botox but in conjunction with a dermal filler. We would either reinforce the borders of the lip or inject some light filler in the top lip region. Same again, we are very careful to administer a low quantity of filler, so avoiding the ‘duck’ or ‘trout pout/ look.


Botox hertfordshire can be contacted on 01438 300111 for a free consultation.


Botox for my chin

A common area to administer botox is the central crease in your chin, also known as ‘orange peel”. These lines are as a result of excessive contraction of the chin muscles. This is easily reduced or eliminated by injection botox into the muscle.

The full effect of the procedure will be seen after 2 weeks and you may require some extra botox to achieve the result you desire. we would always advise to under treat initially and it is much easier to top up later than be stuck with a frozen look for several months. You would expect the result to last around 3-6 months.


So a comfortable procedure that takes only a few minutes can eliminate the orange peel effect which may have been there for a number of years – a truly aging reversal procedure.


Dr Harry Singh has been carrying out botox hertfordshire since 2002 and works from aesthetics in Stevenage. You can call him on 01438 300111 to book a FREE consultation to see whether botox can help you regain your youth, boost your confidence or improve your skin complexion.


Botox for the neck

As more and more research is carried out on the effects of botox. We find out that we can use this muscle relaxant to treat more and more common concerns.


One such area is the neck. We have had many patients feeling uncomfortable by the lines around their neck and the only way they hide this is by wearing polo tops.


Now you can bin that polo top and use botox to reduce or eliminate your lines on the neck.


We would initially carry out a consultation to see if you are suitable and let you know what outcome to expect. On the day of the treatment we would inject the muscle relaxant along the lines of the neck and this would just take a few minutes. We would then review the results after 2 weeks and administer any top ups if required.


We would always recommend that botox be used with a good skin range to improve the complexion of your skin.


Dr Harry Singh has been carrying out botox hertfordshire since 2002 and works from aesthetics in Stevenage. You can call him on 01438 300111 to book a FREE consultation to see whether botox can help you regain your youth, boost your confidence or improve your skin complexion.


How much does ‘botox in hertfordshire’ cost?

We normally charge per area. The advantage of this is no matter how much botox you need, it will be a fixed price so you can budget for the treatments and any subsequent treatments you may want or require in the future.


We also like to reward our patients that need multiple areas at the same time, so same again this will amke it more cost effective for you.


In addition, if you require any top ups after the initial treatment this will also be covered free of charge and up to 3 months from the date of the original treatment.


For your reference we are doing a great deal on 3 areas of botox (forehead, frown and eyes) at £235. Due to the large number of aptients we see, we buy the botox at large quatities and can pass the savings to you.


Dr Harry Singh has been carrying out botox in hertordshire since 2002 and has tretaed over a 1000 cases. He can be contacted on 01438 300111.


botox in hertfordshire open evenings

Dr Harry Singh travels around different clinics and spas offering his facial aesthetics services. He organises demonstration evenings where you can hear about botox in hertfordshire and see a live demo.

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There are a lot of myths and misleading information about facial aesthetics, especially botox. Dr Singh feels that by seeing a live procedure you can see what this is all about and have all your questions answered in an informal atmosphere.

What to do immediately after having Botox

Anti wrinkle treatments such as Botox are very popular in our clinic in Stevenage, Herts. Part of the success of the treatment is what you do immediately after the treatment.

Here are 7 essential instructions you need to adhere to after having a course of Botox.

Refrain from touching the treated area for 3-4 hours

Remain upright for 3-4 hours

No exercise on day of treatment

No sun beds for 7 days

No facials/chemical skin peels or laser resurfacing treatment for 7 days

The use of crash helmets should be avoided on the day treatment has taken place

Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches and avoid alcohol

For more information visit botox hatfield or call us on 07849 279588 to roll back the years with an amazing price of £225 for 3 areas (forehead, frown and eyes).