Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on botox and the future.
Botox has been growing as a treatment of choice for non surgical intervention for the last decade. This is due to the low down time involved in the botox treatment, the affordability of botox injections and the ease of treatment.
Will this trend in botox continue?
I think it will. I have a number of my botox patients that would never consider surgery due to the costs, risks and downtime. They will, if suitable, seek out botox treatments.
There is still a bit of a taboo about botox in the UK. I feel, as the botox becomes more popular, it will become more accepted and patients will open up and admit to having the botox procedure. It could even become as popular as going to get your hair done and part of the female grooming process.
There will still be a small element of botox patients that will still keep it to themselves and allow others to see them as growing old gracefully.
For now, the botox group is growing and with this you will need to seek qualified and experienced practitioners as others jump on the band wagon.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.